Safe Space, Code of Conduct, and Values Statement
At our research group, we aim to provide safe spaces and an environment that encourages impactful, transparent, and upright academic research to flourish through respectful, inclusive, and equitable treatment of others including both members and non-members of the group.
Therefore, we reject discrimination and harassment by any means, based on factors including ethnic or national origin, race, religion, citizenship, language, political or other opinion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, or economic class. In addition, we oppose all forms of bullying including threatening, humiliating, coercive, or intimidating conduct that causes harm to, interferes with, or sabotages scientific activity and careers. We are convinced that discrimination, harassment (in any form), and bullying create a hostile environment that reduces the quality, integrity, and pace of the advancement of academic research by marginalizing individuals and communities. It also damages productivity and career advancement and prevents the healthy exchange of ideas.
We are committed to supporting a productive and safe research environment for all members and non-members of the group. Incidents of inappropriate and uncivil behavior are taken extremely seriously. If you experience or witness discrimination or harassment, please contact Prof. Fahl in person or email He will treat all complaints seriously, respond promptly, and maintain confidentiality unless disclosure is legally required.
The following is by no means exhaustive but is the minimum we expect from ourselves and others. We must all:
- scientific rigor: seek academic and scientific rigor in our research efforts,
- transparency and reproducibility: make our research as transparent and reproducible as possible, while respecting our subject's ethical and privacy expectations,
- integrity: value honesty and accuracy in our communications and reports,
- ethics: consider the ethics of our research methods and treat our subjects with respect,
- impact: determine to conduct research that is impactful both within the scientific community and broadly for society,
- inclusion: recognize that many groups have historically been marginalized in our field, and we strive to find ways to collaborate and partner with individuals across all backgrounds, ethnicities, and genders and uplift researchers and professionals who have been unjustly marginalized,
- humility: be willing to admit when we are wrong, take action to correct mistakes in ourselves, and treat mistakes as learning opportunities,
- compassion: show compassion to each other by supporting group members in cases when their physical or mental health, personal life, or family situation warrants special consideration,
- boundaries: be mindful that each of us is different and will have different personal and cultural boundaries; pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues, and be respectful towards others’ wishes,
- identity: do not assume anyone’s gender identity, sexual preference, background, etc.; do not share this information with others without permission,
- criticism: it’s always hard to hear that our behavior is making someone uncomfortable; let’s not become defensive, instead listen, reflect and learn,
- prejudices and privileges: think about what influences your words, opinions, and feelings and who they might exclude or harm,
- creativity: reward creativity in our research, and do not confine or belittle others’ ideas.
The code of conduct and values statement above was motivated by and in parts taken from the following places: