Sunday, Oct 20, 2019
Talk: Brad Reaves on Software Development on Public Platforms

We are delighted to announce that Brad Reaves will give a talk here at LUH. The talk will be held in English and all are more than welcome to attend.

Title: "Software Development on Public Platforms: A double edged sword?"
When: 2019-11-13, 14:00 - 14:45
Where: Room F107, Welfengarten 1

Abstract: Public collaborative repositories like GitHub have led to high rates of software reuse and increased participation by developers. In this talk, we will examine how the uses of public repositories affect security. Through the lens of large-scale analysis of all public repositories on GitHub, we will examine several phenomenon: the threat of credential leakage, the risks created by code reuse, and how we can leverage large-scale analysis to identify and repair vulnerabilities. In so doing, we will see how public platforms can create new opportunities for both attackers and defenders, ultimately leading to more secure software.

Short Bio

Brad Reaves is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University and a member of the Wolfpack Security and Privacy Research (WSPR) Lab. His research is dedicated to measuring and improving the security and privacy of computer systems, with a particular emphasis on cellular and telephone networks, IP networks, and large-scale analyses of software security. This work has addressed detection and measurement of mobile malware in the wild, identified systemic risks in developing world mobile money systems, and provided new techniques to distinguish legitimate and fraudulent phone calls. His research integrates knowledge from fields as diverse as signal processing and digital communications; data science, machine learning, and statistics; cryptography; program analysis; reverse engineering; and Internet and telephone networks.